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Par Héritier LOSEMBE, publié le jeudi 9 juin 2022 14:10 - Mis à jour le vendredi 17 juin 2022 06:02
With regard to the final project of unit 6, grade 7 students were asked to imagine a correspondence between themselves today and themselves in 20 years. You shall be facinated by their creative imagination.

As said above, students wrote letters between themselves today and themselves in 20 years.

In the letters, they had to abide by the writing conventions, to include what their social/dream life will be like, and to write about relationships and jobs they will have, and dream countries they will visit or travel to etc.

Moreover, they were asked to reply imagining an answer to their letters "written" by their future themselves.

To read their impressive letters, I hereby invite you to click on the links below: 

5C ⇒ read.bookcreator.com/rJhJuwGuKxTTJoTsOwwGxNIhS8m1/_hZoJJptSVmI2v-PRgJWgQ
5B ⇒ read.bookcreator.com/rJhJuwGuKxTTJoTsOwwGxNIhS8m1/KamqnmaHR6GdrO4a4JJdaA

Enjoy your reading.


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